Find your perfect business idea (to get your first client)
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When I had the idea of becoming a coach I actually found it quite dull and I felt almost ashamed about it.
I had 2 images of Life Coaches in my head :
The ones that were older and very new age with crappy websites ( you know the ones with the music that starts when you open it) and long generic self-development articles
The corporate executive ones in a black suit that looked so stiff and honestly boring
I felt different, I was in my 20s and really valued a good design and wanted to connect with like-minded people my age that were as excited as me about personal development and also modern and stylish.
But I couldn’t find them back then so I thought my idea was just silly.
But also, I was deeply passionate about it and couldn’t help reading all the books and blogs and seeing myself listening and guiding other humans back to themselves.
I could also see how this business idea encompassed lots of skills that I enjoyed like listening to others, deep soul conversations, writing and marketing.
And I knew I wanted to try it out and I was willing to stay in it until it “worked”.
All these things made it a good idea even If there was resistance and doubts there!
There were definitely some other steps that occurred to make it a business, but it all started with that initial idea and figuring out If it was a viable one or not.
Here are 3 filters to define your perfect business idea :
1. Look close to yourself
That perfect business idea may be closer to you than you think.
You’re looking far away at what other people are doing, what seems the most original and never-done-before invention and you’re getting caught up into what you can invent.
You’re even exploring fields you’d never been interested in because the idea may be out there!
One of the tips in your perfect business idea is to look very close to you.
What are you already doing in your daily life?
What comes naturally like an extension of you?
What do other people compliment you on and you dismiss it because “oh, that small thing, that’s easy!”
I want you to look at your life and see the treasure under your nose that can be so incredibly valuable for others.
2. Figure out your values
Our values are really who we are.
When you value family you become someone that carves out time to spend with loved ones, that affects the way you date, the way you work and how you take care of yourself.
When you value nature you are probably someone that spends time in it, wants to preserve it and share your interest with others.
When you value integrity you’ll filter your choices with it and you’ll notice it in others.
Knowing what you value is an integral part of your perfect business idea because that idea will inevitably be a reflection of your values and it’ll create the path to how you show up in business.
And that alignment to your values will also drive your motivation because that cause it’s so close to what you believe in.
3. Consider the right business model
A perfect business idea is one in which you’re profitable, otherwise it’s called a hobby.
That’s where we need to have a strategic view on how to make our idea become a business.
That’s also where we need to believe in the value we bring to the table.
A profitable idea is one that allows us to not only cover our costs but generate wealth that we can invest in the business and in our lives, that can support us.
And I see a lot of incredibly talented and driven aspiring entrepreneurs that have great ideas but they haven’t built a strategy that can also support them.
I don’t believe that there are ideas that make you money and others that don’t, it’s not a choice between doing the thing you love but giving up on the money OR choosing the idea that is profitable.
I believe that the right business model and strategy can help you achieve that with your preferred idea!
If you’re finding it hard to find your good idea that is viable to become a business have you seen my new free assessment call I created?
It’s called “Your Viable Business Idea”!
In this call I’ll guide you to start WELL right from the beginning and pick the best business idea to get clients.
In this 30 minutes together :
You’ll bring all those different ideas you have swirling (even if they are imperfect!) and we’ll look at each one strategically
I’ll walk you through a process to decide which idea makes the most sense (for you AND your results!)
Then, we’ll end with 1-2 clear actions steps that you need to take NOW to start making this business idea (and the clients that come with it) a reality