How to overcome the fear of commitment in your new job
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Fear of commitment is one of the biggest blockages in starting a new job because …
What If I do it and feel as miserable as in the previous one?
What If I change my mind and I’m not interested anymore?
What If it doesn’t work out and I fail at it?
What If people are not nice in the new environment ?
Commitment means making a definite step in a certain direction which means eliminating ( at least in that moment) the other options and since we live in an era of thousands of options all the time, choosing one can feel terrifying.
In that case, committing is like choosing a prison, it feels so limiting and there are lots of “what If’s” because the other options clearly had some advantages as well.
I see this pattern a lot in coaching clients who are thinking of transitioning to the sector or maybe leaving the corporate world and creating their own job.
The stakes that they leave behind feel high because they represent the certainty of what they know well, while what’s in front of them it’s completely uncertain, like jumping in a void space in which everything can happen, both good and bad.
Something that can really help you out if you are in this situation now is a reframe of the term commitment.
Commitment means jumping with both feet into a choice and going all in, but it doesn’t mean :
Being stuck there forever and never changing your mind
Losing your freedom
In my opinion, commitment is actually the gateway to your highest potential because it’s only when you direct your total focus into something that you can fully express yourself in it.
If you think about it, when you stay with one foot on one side and one foot on the other, your energy is dispersed and you are much less powerful because you need to keep juggling with both projects at the same time.
I remember having to make the choice of looking for a corporate job or jumping into entrepreneurship a few years ago and feeling so drained by this space in between because I was dividing my time considering the two options and committing to none all the time. It would literally keep me up at night and lead nowhere.
It was only when I committed to really giving my energy to my business that I started to feel better again and I saw what I was capable of doing !
Clarity comes from action and not from overthinking our options ;-)
And in order to take action there is a point in which commitment is necessary and it’s the quickest way to see if you made the right decision for you.
So, if you’re looking for a sign to make your decision, consider this post to be your pass to jump into one of the options you have and give it a real try.
A couple of tips to move forward and really make that commitment work for you :
Reframe your definition of commitment as going all in and not as a life sentence
Give yourself a set time frame to commit to your plan A without doubting it . Ex: I will try out this business idea for 6 months as If there is no other option
Remember there is no perfect choice but only what you choose to do with the choice you’ve made. Never make yourself wrong for it !
What’s your biggest takeaway from this concept ? I’d love to know in the comments below
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