When is the right time to start a business that actually works?
Photo credit to www.aistesaulyte.co.uk
If you’ve been playing back and forth with the idea of starting your own business but not sure about when it’s a good time to do it, keep reading.
I don’t believe that the best time to start a business is right now.
I believe that the best time to start a business is when you decide intentionally to start a business.
Why does it make a difference?
Because it doesn’t really matter what’s happening in your life or what the circumstances are. If you make a decision to get it started you’ll put in place a set of strategies and organise your life to accommodate your decision.
You’ll be conscious about it because it has started from you.
Starting a business is not a joke, it takes so much of you and it requires a conscious decision first.
At the same time, is there a perfect moment?
No I don’t think so, there will never be that perfect moment where everything aligns into your life to naturally make space for a few hours a week to start a business. It’s unrealistic because we’re all busy in this modern society and time has to be created If you really want something.
So whether you have a full time job, kids, problems, moving countries or whatever it’s happening in your life it can be a good time to start a business because you desire it and decide so.
The plan will be adapted to your capacity at that moment and will look different from someone else but the most important thing, you have decided so you’re unstoppable!
Something I absolutely love nowadays in the entrepreneurial space is seeing women starting businesses in completely different phases of their lives.
The old paradigm of having to work 24/7 if you want to be an entrepreneur and sacrifice the rest of your life is becoming so outdated because new, creative ways of managing your time are available that allow you to have a business whenever your heart desires. Especially if it is an online business or it has a big portion online (which is now required by most businesses)
Now that requires intentionality and planning, it doesn’t happen by chance but it’s so possible.
It also requires getting out of the idea that you have to do it all by yourself because If you want to embrace this perspective you’ll need some help.
Some examples of women starting business during “inconvenient” times :
Starting a business while you’re studying
Starting a business from home with a baby
Starting a business in your spare time while working full-time
Starting a business in your retirement
It’s all about deciding to make space for this dream to come true and build it around your own needs. And committing to it.
For example If you want to build a side-hustle while working your 9 to 5 it’ll look like investing some weekends and evenings into it.
It means getting clear on your biggest priorities that move the needle forward and focus on them.
It means implementing systems and delegating some bits so the business can evolve.
As you may have understood, creating a business requires a lot of discomfort especially in the first couple of years.
It requires trade-offs.
It requires visibility in one form or another.
Entrepreneurship it’s not for the faint of heart let me tell you.
Are you ready for the rollercoaster of doubts and investments and what-will-the-other people think moments?
And most importantly are you willing to stay in it for the long-term?
If you’re looking for a quick fix solution to make money it’s much easier to go get a job because entrepreneurship requires the willingness to make sacrifices but it’s so so worthy.
What you get on the other side is priceless.
The freedom to see a creation of your heart become reality.
The beauty of seeing other humans affected positively by it.
The catalyst of transforming the way you work so it can support your personality and creativity.
The financial rewards of making money out of what you love.
The personal growth of overcoming your limits over and over again.
I wouldn’t trade these things for anything else AND it’s a question to ask yourself because it requires a new level of you and then a new one (over and over again) to show up for it.
Are you willing to get uncomfortable in one of the greatest adventures of your life?
I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions in the comments below!
If your ideas keep you up at night and you cannot choose which one is perfect to start a business, I have the solution for you!
This session will give you the right foundations that will set you apart from all the others aspiring entrepreneurs so you can feel truly on-purpose and ready for your first clients to come along! Feeling confident about what you’re offering is a game changer and helps you so much to get out of your own way to make it happen! Book your call here.